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Agriculture mapping 2024-25

Mapping for 2024-25 will offer mapping services in various options to suite the individual needs of sugar/ rice mills or other agriculture companies. We have categorized our offering into 3 major modules which are as follows...


  • Data services in the form of reports. This is useful for customers who are interested in knowing about...

    • Acreages​.

    • Spatial distribution of crops.

    • Quality of crop.

    • Varietal segregation of crop.


  • Information services will include report as well as support for critical information and querying such as...

    • Which areas are expected to give more yield.​

    • Which areas are good for a particular crop based on heights and others parameters.

    • Zone mapping and data segregation based on custom zoning.

    • Knowing where competing crop is prevalent.

    • Options for raising multiple query.

    • Knowing about elevations and hence about water logging and water flow in the event of floods.


  • Implementation services will include micro mapping at a plot level, will enable users to take informed decisions. This will include the following...

    • Creation of base level data​, all plots will be digitized in the area of interest.

    • This will help monitoring on a per-plot basis, the closest one can get.

    • Implementation of user friendly GIS software for data querying, processing and data mining.

    • Full integration of GIS to existing IT system including ERP

    • Intelligent dashboards, statistics and analytics.


No matter how complex your data or information requirements are, our team of scientists, IT & domain experts are always pushing themselves for innovative and effective solutions. We urge you to get in touch with us to know more on how we can help.


Also please visit out Agriculture Page in the Industries to know more.

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